Welcome to ip-geek.com

This is a place where you can get unbiased and impartial advice and support, useful guidelines and all in plain English.

You will also find informative and informed advice on some of the basics of Internet Safety, protecting your identity, hints and tips on what to look out for and links to useful free protection tools.

Hopefully what you find on this site's Information areas will make you a little more "web-savvy" and confident in using the largest free tool in the world, less confused and frustrated with problems with your computer systems - or even just a little more understanding of how things work.

This website is being rebuilt and I know it's taken a while now but I can still be contacted for enquiries using the form on the Contact link above. I am trying to get the whole site finished but please bear with me. There are a few sections that state "This section is currently under construction" and this is true. Some just need more detail than others.

Why this website?

Wherever I go, when people find out I work in computers, everyone seems to have a question to ask. After answering some of these questions repetitively I thought I'd put the most often asked on this site. I can't answer them all but I can certainly try to point you in the right direction.

For the last 24 years or more I have been a computer support professional. From running the Tech Support helpdesk for an OEM and Trading Floor support to being a DDI specialist and Domain Administrator for one of the largest Insurance companies and other roles between and since

R.I.P IPv4

Despite the efforts of many network professionals, internet designers and other interested parties to warn the large companies, ISPs and Governments of the world, the end is in sight for IPv4.

Europe is down to it's last million addresses and, as everything from your mobile phone to TVs and Sat-Navs now use IP in one way or another, those will not last long.

How will this affect you? Most ISPs now use IPv6 for their core networks but are still issuing a diminishing number of IPv4 addresses to users - and, according to Internetworldstats.com, that group of people worldwide grew by 69 million from March to June 2012 More....